Jan 19, 23

Terminal Overview and Setup

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Billink Terminal Overview


We are rolling out physical and virtual terminals to all practices. The Terminal Section of the account page can be use to:

  • Order a physical terminal from Billink
  • Add a terminal to your system
  • Manage your terminal settings
  • Contacting terminal support
  • Learn more about our terminals

Once a physical terminal has been ordered you should receive it within 3 working days. Once received, click ‘+Add/Activate a new Terminal’ to get started.

We have also launched a Virtual Terminal service that can facilitate direct card entry which is ideal for processing of card details over the phone. This is currently being rolled out to practices and should be available for all by the end of June. We rely on our vendor partners e.g. Socrates, ImedDoc etc to enable the ‘Pay Now’ button in their systems before Terminals can be used for standard transactions however Virtual Terminal can be used now to covert an outstanding Billink SMS to a Terminal payment allowing you to take payments and close off outstanding Billinks. Every practice activated with Billink has been issued a virtual Terminal. See more below

When the ‘Pay Now’ feature is enabled in your practice you will be shown the following terminal options:


Billink Virtual Terminal

Our Mail Order Telephone Order (MOTO) Terminal

Patient Payment Page Terminal

Our Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) Patient terminal

Physical Terminal(s)

All Physical Terminals connected to your Billink account will be displayed here


If Billink has a virtual terminal option why do I need a physical terminal?

With a virtual terminal you directly enter your customers card details (Card number, expiry and CCV) into the Billink virtual terminal window. It is a great way to accept payments over the phone when the patient is not present. In fact, this class of payment is called MOTO (mail order, telephone order) payments. MOTO payments are also exempt from SCA (strong customer authentication) which means that the patient does not need to verify the payment request on their banking app/mobile device. The downside however is that as you are taking card details directly from patients this does increase your business and customers risk if for example those card details were kept by a staff member and subsequently lost. Card issuing banks have a lower threshold for blocking a transactions if it is a MOTO payment due to the nature of these transactions (i.e. exempt form SCA) so there is a an increased chance your transaction could be rejected by the Network.


What is the difference between the Billink Virtual Terminal and the Patient Payment Page?

The Billink Virtual Terminal does not require ANY patient verification. I will go straight through. Unlike other transaction types will not ask a patient to confirm the payment on their phone or banking app. Banks retain the right to decline this type of transaction from time to time and may insist on a Patient Verified payment. Should this ever happen and your Virtual Terminal Payment is rejected you can use the Patent Patient Page to enter the patients card details. The patient will then be sent a confirmation request from their bank and the payment will be processed. A Patient Payment Page terminal will require patient verification in approximately 10-15% of Transactions which is the same rate as if the patient were completing the transaction on their own phone via the Billink SMS link.


Terminal Page (with physical card reader activated)

Editing Terminal Settings

You can add more terminals at any stage by clicking the ‘+Add/Activate a new terminal’ button

You can change the name of a terminal at any stage by clicking the ‘edit’ button next to that terminals name. New options such as changing your Terminal background image will become available here in time.

Other features coming soon will include:

  • Removing a Terminal
  • Changing the Background Image of your Reader

For more information about terminals, ordering and when they may be available for your system please contact us directly on contact@billinksupport.com



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Sean Higgins picture

Founder ,

Billink Payments

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