Jan 19, 23

Search And Filters

Dashboard Overview

Transaction Page Overview

Insight Report

Remittance Report

Monthly Invoice


Search & Filters


A billink can be searched and filtered by keyword, date or status.

In this example all Billinks that have been sent and paid between the 2nd February and 22nd April 2022 will be displayed here when you click the ‘apply’ button. You can also filter by  Terminal (or other future types of Billinks) here. Clicking ‘Apply’ will show you the results. Clicking ‘reset’ to the right of ‘Apply’ will return you to the default transaction page view.

Keyword Search:

You can now search Billinks by any keyword – this includes patient names or the service type provided.

E.g. Typing ‘consultation’ and clicking ‘apply’ will bring back all Billinks that have been sent with Consultation as the service.





Sean Higgins picture

Founder ,

Billink Payments

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