Jan 19, 23


Dashboard Overview

Transaction Page Overview

Insight Report

Remittance Report

Monthly Invoice

The Right ‘Three Dot’ menu option:


On the far right of the transaction page is a ‘Three Dot’ action menu. Clicking on it will reveal the following options:

Resend SMS

Send Simple SMS

View Details

Cancel Transaction



View Details

Clicking view details will show more information and actions for that transaction. The above example shows the transaction details for a Billink that has been previously paid. You can see that there are three sub-sections. Overview – SMS Info – LOG


At the bottom of this section (if a billink has been paid) you will see an option to ‘Download Receipt’


Download Receipt – As this Billink is paid a copy of the receipt can be downloaded here. Receipts are provided in PDF format.




Sample Receipt shown here:











Sean Higgins picture

Founder ,

Billink Payments

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