Jan 24, 23

Billink SOLO – Transaction Management

Dashboard Overview

Transaction Page Overview

Insight Report

Remittance Report

Monthly Invoice

SOLO – Getting Started


As you may expect, all of our standard transaction management features are included in SOLO. We will also be adding lots more in the coming months.


If you have not already signed up to a Billink SOLO account find the link and learn more about SOLO here.

All transactions sent and paid on SOLO will be shown on your home page. You can use the search box and the filter options to drill down and find any particular type of transactions if you need to.

These transaction tiles will shown the date the transaction was created and the service date (may be different eg charged today for a service provided last week). It will shown the patients name and the amount charged. If a terminal payment then you will see a small blue terminal icon. If an SMS payment then you will see the SMS status eg delivered with a green tick beside it. The status of each payment will then be shown to the right underneath the payment value. eg Sent, Paid, Refunded, Settled, Cancelled.

To change the status of a transaction click on the expand button.

You will be given 4 options – depending on the transaction status. eg you can only refund a payment that has been paid. You can only settle a payment that has not yet been paid. You can only cancel a transition that has not yet been paid and so on. You can also rending an SMS link from here. If you wish to view the payment page unique for this transaction you can click on ‘live link’.


For more information you can click on therein body of the transaction. This will bring you to the ‘details page’

If you have used Billink in the past you will be familiar with the layout.

Main action buttons are at the top eg settle, cancel, resend.

The patient and transaction details are shown in the next 3 sections.

We then show a copy of the SMS message sent, the credits used and the SMS status eg delivered or not.

Finally we show a log of the actions on this traction. When it was sent, delivered, if a patient visited the payment page, if settled/paid/refunded etc.


SOLO – Getting Started

SOLO – Taking Card Payments Directly

SOLO – Taking Payments by Billink SMS

SOLO – Admin Features



Sean Higgins picture

Founder ,

Billink Payments

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