Jan 19, 23

SMS Settings

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This subsection of the Account page allows you to change the layout of the SMS message that is sent to your patients when you send a Billink. There will be a default message in place here when you first use Billink. You can change the layout of this message at any time and those changes will take effect immediately for all future Billinks. Note* you can reset back to the default message at any stage by clicking the ‘reset’ button to the left of ‘Save’.

This page has 3 main components.

The ‘Add-Ins’ – pick and choose what specific dynamic information you want to be included in your texts

Your Template Message – Edit the default text message as needed

Your Message Preview – See exactly what your patient will see in their Billink SMS.


The Add-ins

An “Add-in” is a dynamic piece of information/data that will be included in the SMS. These are automatically updated based on the unique patient, the charge, the service etc. Clicking on the blue box will include the add-in into your template, unclicking it will exclude it.

Here is a list of each of the add ins you may select to include

[Patient Name] – The first and last name of the patient

[Amount] – The charge amount

[Service] – The procedure/service that the patient received from your practice

[Service provided by] – The name of the person on the charge page this service was provided by

[Service date] – The date on the charge page this service was provided on (may be several days in the past)

[Practice name] – Your Practice Name as set in your software system

[Contact No] – Your practice contact number as set in  your software system

[Sent By] – The name of the member of staff who sent the Billink.

[Payment Link] – The secure payment link that brings the patient to the payment page. This add-in must always be included in order to ensure that your patients can complete their payments.



Your Template Message

In this section we show the standard templated text in grey and the add-ins in blue. You can type in this window to edit your template message, move the add-ins around and then click save when you are ready with your message layout. Clicking reset will return this template to the Billink defaults.




Your Message Preview

This section shows what your patients’ will see when they receive a Billink with your saved template, using the sample Add-ins you chose. The  ‘Sender’ value at the top of this section is  ‘from’ name for your SMS. You can use up to 11 characters to describe your Sender/From name. e.g. ‘GPClinic’ or ‘GPCare’ or ‘WaterfordGP’. Ideally you should pick the same name that you’ve used when messaging patients in the past.

At the bottom of this section we show a total character count. Billink charges a standard fee per SMS credit used. Our default SMS layout is 1 SMS credit but if you decide, as many clinics do, to add more add-ins or text to your SMS your message may increase in length using 2-3 or more credits per message sent. We show an SMS credit count on the bottom of the message preview section so you know exactly the SMS credits that will be used. We recommend that you edit the Add-in text, to see the total character count and SMS credits that will be used. We also recommend using a long patient name in your sample add-in so that the majority of patient names will be shorter than your sample version.




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Sean Higgins picture

Founder ,

Billink Payments

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